Hello Dear Reader

Let me introduce myself to you. I am a Canadian writing to you from a little town in beautiful Ontario. My life has been dedicated to understanding human behavior, mental health, and the impact of our psychology as the hidden source of disease in our bodies. I have worked as a life coach, trained in various modalities such as Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP – Master Practitioner), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Total Biology of Living Beings (Canadian Institute for Total Biology | Solution for Psychological or Emotional Stress) and Human Design – the Science of Differentiation. I have over 4 decades of meditation practice and am a trained yoga instructor.

I come from a dysfunctional family and have experienced much childhood trauma. I am on the Autism Spectrum (labeled high functioning) but was only diagnosed in my 40s as I was suffering from PTSD and “resistant” to therapy. I was fortunate to have a brilliant psychologist cross my path who specialized in the treatment of PTSD and recognized my brain was wired differently. I no longer suffer from PTSD.

Since 2018 I have been supporting my mother to navigate her life with a mixture of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

I am currently working on my teaching memoir manuscript sharing my transformation from life-paralyzing PTSD to ridiculously happy. As well as a non-fiction book series co-written with my mother intended for people with memory loss and their caregivers.

I’ve been a writer since winning my first award for writing in grade one! I look forward to using this newsletter to share parts of my journey toward becoming an author and other inspirational content on Mental Health Matters.

What You Can Expect From This Newsletter

Suppose you struggle with issues like neuro-diversity, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, trauma, self-sabotaging behaviors, dementia, or PTSD but don’t know how to talk about Mental Health Matters. In that case, this newsletter may help you find your voice. At the very minimum, it can be a place for you to start having those needed conversations because I want to hear from you!

My desire is to stimulate your curiosity to explore the concepts I will share with you, not to become yet another outer authority for you, but to help empower you to understand YOUR inner authority and answer the “WHY” you find yourself at odds with yourself. I remember some 25 years ago when I was first starting out as a life coach, reading some self-help book (I’m sorry I don’t remember the title so I can’t give credit to the author) that the one thing that “should” be the easiest thing for any of us to do is “to be ourselves” yet that isn’t the case as I have witnessed this to be the most challenging thing for the people in my life, friends, family, clients, and including myself. Now, that’s no longer an issue for me, “onto thine own self be true” is one of my core values, and understanding my Human Design allows me to do exactly that.

I strongly feel the more we can encourage each other to talk openly about Mental Health Matters the more we can remove the stigma and shame that surrounds what it means to have an invisible disability or disease and stop the suffering in silence. You are not broken and you are not alone. It’s ok to ask for help. So, Let’s Talk.

Disclaimer: I am a student of Human Design. I do not claim to be an expert in Human Design. Anyone can claim to be an expert when they have more experience in something than someone else. If you’re new to Human Design, I only appear to be an expert because I have more knowledge than you do, at this time. Keep in mind, even certified analysts will have their unique way of communicating what they see in your body graph and no two answers will be the same.

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Encouraging conversations about neurodiversity, depression, anxiety, suicide prevention, trauma, self-sabotage, dementia, PTSD, and more - through the lens of Human Design


Hello Dear Reader, I am a Canadian writing from a little town in beautiful Ontario. My life has been dedicated to understanding human behavior, mental health, and the impact of our psychology as the hidden cause of disease in our bodies.