I loved reading this, Grace. I only know a small bit about Human Design, my first coach includes this in her practice now.

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Thanks 😊 Even a small bit of HD knowledge is helpful πŸ‘πŸ» really that’s all anyone needs 🫢🏻

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Good morning Grace Is it easy to tap into the monopole in our G centre. Or do I need more HD to get me there ? I’m tired of going through life wondering about the WHAT IFS IE: what if I would have done this that or the other thing ! Always wondering what could have been ? Help to um jail me thx hope you’re mom is doing well.

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Hello Ken. That’s a very good question. Yes, it is easy to tap into your monopole - If you have a defined G center in your HD body graph the only HD you need to β€œtap into your monopole” is to follow YOUR strategy (your auric nature determines that) and your inner authority. If your G center isn’t defined (it’s white in your body graph) you still have a monopole that is your compass and my answer remains the same, follow your strategy and authority.

If you don’t know your HD, your β€œnot-self mind” wants to be in the driver’s seat and ignores, dismisses, criticizes and overrules your G center.

Keep in mind, what’s in the past is in the past. The G center cannot rewrite your history so your What IFS about the past - there’s nothing your monopole can do about the what ifs of the past. You can β€œun-jail” yourself. You have the key inside yourself - trust your inner authority and follow your strategy that’s all you need to know when it comes to HD then you get to live your life. Thanks for your wishes for my mom and for your question. Cheers

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Thx Grace and I will.

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Thank you Kaylan for your compliment and feedback on how my article resonated with you - it warms my heart ❀️ that I’ve touched someone in a meaningful way through my writing. My message is that we’re not broken, we just think we are and it’s all about the journey back to being the person we’re born to through self-love.

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Oh my goodness, Grace this was the most NOURISHING read of my LIFE!

I resonated with #2 and #4 to a degree that I am unable to articulate. Thank you SO much for breaking down the 5 types! I very much enjoyed learning from you.

Cheers from a (recovering) People-Pleasing Generator. β™₯️

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